12 May
Starting a Garden

Sustainability is a concept that is quickly becoming very important in my life. Now that I am back home waiting out the virus, I have started the process of creating my own vegetable garden in my yard! I’m super excited to give a run down on my whole process but for now I just want to give some reasons why it’s so beneficial to have one of your own.

Being able to provide yourself with food that was grown by you is such an awesome ability. You know where those vegetables came from, how they were grown, and what they have been exposed to. I love this because buying produce at the grocery store can get a little questionable especially when the tomatoes they provide are shiny and kind of… sticky? Things like that make me wonder what kind of pesticides and chemicals have been on the vegetables that I am eating. By growing them myself, I will always know what is on them. That concept alone is very reassuring for me, especially with a stomach as sensitive as mine. Having a garden will really help you feel in control of the food you’re consuming.

Creating your own garden has a great impact on the environment. It may seem like you alone can’t do much to help the global warming crisis the environment is currently suffering from but there are many ways you can do your part and truly make a difference. One way or another, doing your part to contribute as little as possible to hurting the planet will at least give you the satisfaction of not being a part of the problem. As the plants in your garden go through photosynthesis, they are producing new, clean oxygen. This is something you can do to help reduce the effects of deforestation. It may seem like your little garden can’t possibly have that big of an impact but if EVERYONE develops their own, it can help immensely. Another benefit is that you will no longer be supporting all of the fossil fuels that are burned to ship the grocery store produce to your local stores as well as the gasoline you burn through by driving to the store to get them. By doing this, your carbon footprint can be decreased greatly and you can even give back to the environment through your garden. Do your part to protect the earth by building a small garden at your house!

Gardening is a great way to get creative and spend some time outside in the sun with nature. This is a great way to take a break from the screens and get off the couch. My garden is in the process of being made but soon I will post each step that I took to create it. Updates to come! Until them do some research on your 




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