Vitamin B-12 is essential for your body's function. It assists in the production of red blood cells and then continues on to keep the blood cells healthy. B-12 has an important relationship with folic acid. By helping the body absorb folic acid, new cells can be produced and maintained. This also helps with preventing changes in DNA which could have led to cancer without this vitamin. Proper function of the nervous system, fatty acid / energy production synthesis and cell metabolism also improve with a sufficient intake of vitamin B-12.
The main and pretty much only natural source of vitamin B-12 is animal products. This is one of the only essential nutrients that isn’t found in food other than animal products. Because of this, an alternate source is very important for vegetarians and vegans. There are many foods that are reinforced with this vitamin such as some breakfast cereals, soy products, and meat substitutes. Vegans can get some amount of B-12 from these options but it often isn’t sufficient. This vitamin is also found in bacteria that can be found in the soil that vegetables are grown in so another source could be from unwashed vegetables- however this is not the most sanitary option and not what I recommend. The best way for people who follow a plant-based diet to get this nutrient is by taking a supplement which can be easily found in most if not all pharmacies.
Since this vitamin is specific to animal products, a supplement is important for vegans. Not consuming enough vitamin B-12 could impair your body’s ability to continue functioning smoothly. Other groups of people that would benefit from this supplement are those with gastrointestinal issues, non meat eating pregnant women as it could affect the baby if the mother is deficient, and older adults who can’t naturally absorb B-12 due to lack of hydrochloric acid in their stomach. If you fall into one of these categories, the supplement is important for you. The recommended daily amount of B-12 is 2.4 mcg for adults. Many of the supplements come in larger amounts than this so you can either cut the pill or just take the whole thing because your body will only absorb what it requires.
I started taking a vitamin B-12 supplement recently when I realized that it was common for plant powered people to be lacking in it. I also began taking a probiotic at the same time but between the two I have noticed an improvement in my digestion and stomach discomfort. On top of this, it is a nice little energy booster since it helps with converting food into energy.