10 Mar
My Acupuncture Experience

     I tried acupuncture for a month in 2014 and it really changed my view on healing. I had been given countless prescriptions, had many x-rays & MRI’s, undergone surgeries, and years of physical therapy for the pain and discomfort I was feeling everyday. None of this relieved the joint pain and muscle tightness that I had developed. Finally, my mom heard about acupuncture and we desperately decided to give it a shot. Going into it, I really didn’t know what to expect since I knew so little about the practice. If that’s where you’re at, my experience might help you decide to give it a shot!

What to Expect

     A lot of people me ask if acupuncture is painful. My answer is no, it doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t move much. Upon your arrival the acupuncturist will of course as you questions and move your body around a little. When the needles are being inserted it just feels like a quick pinch. Once it’s in you won’t feel it anymore. The needles are tiny and don’t go very deep into your skin. After all of the needles are put in place you will be left to sit with them for around 20 minutes. If you twitch or move the body part that has a needle in it, that can hurt for a second but it goes away quickly. The place I went to would put an aluminum sheet over me while I laid with the needles in to keep me warm and they played calming music to support relaxation which I would imagine is common. It’s normal to be a bit sore for the rest of the day afterwards. The best advice I can give is to go into this with an open mind, expecting good results. If you get there and already have convinced yourself that it’s not going to help, you’re wasting your time. There’s definitely nothing to be worried about though! I always looked forward to my appointments, you should too!

What to Bring

     There’s not much you have to do to prepare for your acupuncture appointment. You can usually stay fully clothed which I appreciated because it makes it much easier to relax and feel comfortable while an unfamiliar person is examining you. Ladies, wear a sports bra or bathing suit top just in case your acupuncturist needs more access to a meridian point. It’s an easy process for you, your only job is to lay there and relax so you can allow the healing to take place.

Does it Work

     You should plan on going for 10 appointments. On average, people begin to feel improvement after 3-4 treatments. Once you finish the 10 appointments, depending on your reason for going, you will likely feel a major difference. One pro of acupuncture is that once the issue you came for has been improved, the progress sticks with you. This means that acupuncture isn’t necessarily something you will be advised to do for a lifetime. This is definitely something that you should expect to find relief from.

Would YOU Benefit from Acupuncture

     Acupuncture is used to treat so many issues from sports injuries to addiction to hypertension and the list goes on. I highly recommend speaking with an acupuncturist to see if they can help you at all before going on medication or having surgery for ANY issue.

     I will always be a supporter of acupuncture as the practice has improved my life so dramatically. That being said, it is expensive. The good part is that you won’t have to have very many appointments and each of them will be well worth it. If you think acupuncture may be something you’re interested in, I urge you to do some research and, if possible, try it out for yourself. Good luck and happy healing :) 

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