After four surgeries yet lingering pain, I finally decided to try out my first holistic healing method. I have spent months going to the chiropractor at least once a week if not more and it was the most beneficial treatment method I have ever put my trust in. Eight years of hip pain was diminished over a six week time period. I also had my back straightened out drastically and a huge decrease in shoulder / back discomfort. My mobility has been greatly improved from this treatment and I am now able to function much better so that I can work on strengthening the muscles that I need to support my body better.
My x-ray before the 12 week program
My experiences between two different chiropractors were nothing alike. However, you can probably expect to have your problem area poked and prodded at as well as moved in different directions to determine the ailment. You may also have x-rays taken. This treatment is something that takes multiple weeks. My initial program was for 12 weeks and I went three times each week, and then after that I was going once a week for maintenance purposes. Chiropractic care is most beneficial when kept up with monthly, long term. This isn’t always possible for everyone (it hasn’t been for me) but to get the initial realignment is life changing. The alignments themselves are scary to many people because they crack your spine pretty aggressively but the release that it provides is so refreshing and as long as you go to a professional, it is completely safe (aka don't have your friend try it on you after watching youtube videos on how to do it). It’s so important to be able to relax your body before they realign you. If your body is tense it could be painful. By relaxing and trusting this practice, your day-to-day activities can become much easier and pain free.
I would recommend wearing loose, easy to move in clothes for when they examine you. Also, wear clothes that are x-ray friendly because many places will take x-rays at the beginning of the treatment program to compare to later. If you have insurance, bring your card. Other than that there isn’t much you have to do to prepare.
Chiropractic care has been the most beneficial form of treatment for me, and I have been through a lot of different methods of healing. If you have any musculoskeletal discomfort, this kind of healing will probably work wonders for you. I have heard many stories of chiropractors fixing issues that people were going to have surgery for, preventing the operation and healing the pain in a much healthier way. Chiropractic care can also help heal headaches, improve blood flow, improve mental health, and ease your body from discomfort you may not have even known you had.
I truly believe that every person would benefit from being adjusted by a chiropractor. There are so many benefits of this practice that people don't know about. At the very least, your body should definitely feel more relaxed and comfortable after your treatment. There are so many ailments that can improve from chiropractic care. I would recommend it to anyone with any kind of pain or discomfort in their body. Absolving subluxations in your vertebrae and other locked up parts of your body will change your life.
Treated bursitis to nearly end 8 years of consistent hip pain
Realigned spine, shoulds, and hips
Improved posture
Fewer headaches
Decrease in lightheadedness
Less overall pain in body
Improved body function from releasing kinks in body
First x-ray shows before I started being adjusted, second x-ray shows 12 week results