08 Mar
About Me

Hey guys, it's Sadie! I moved to Hawaii in February of 2020 and I'm loving every minute of it! The island vibes are freeing my mind and I've found myself needing a creative outlet to get all of my thoughts and ideas out on. I'm hoping that my experiences and ways of life will rub off on you and motivate you to better yourself or life in some way. A few of the topics that I'm passionate about are my travels, healthy living, exercise, and overall enjoyment of life.

I started traveling in September of 2019 (not counting family vacations of course) and since then I've been to Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, and currently Hawaii. After living in Connecticut for my whole life, I had a strong desire to explore the world and see new places, the Caribbean was a great start.  My camera and I have been taking in so many beautiful views, it's like living in a dream world. 

My journey to healthy living began a few years back when I developed stomach issues that were ruling my life. After all the prescribed pills failed me it became clear that I had to change my lifestyle and diet, that meant less stress and more veggies. I also became dedicated to using methods outside of western medication after having four surgeries on my hip starting at age 7. When I was still experiencing pain daily after the fourth operation, I turned to chiropractic and acupuncture practices in hopes of finding some relief. Spoiler alert!! It worked and I really hope my story can ween you away from pills and surgeries as much as possible. I have found that in order to achieve true happiness it is incredibly important for your body to be feeling good.

I have been active since I was young, starting gymnastics at age 3 and continuing on to be a competitive gymnast until age 13. Being in the gym four hours, four days a week made staying in shape very easy. Ever since my gymnastics career ended I've been going to the gym in order to stay fit. Though not as exciting as gymnastics, there are definitely ways to make it fun! I can confidently say that going to the gym regularly keeps me feeling light, energetic, and happy. It's important to support your body in feeling good and frequent exercise is crucial for that! 

I'm still working on all of the details of this blog but you gotta start somewhere! My goal is to post twice a week, I don't plan on having any order of the categories- just whatever my brain is thinking of that day / week! So excited for this to get going, stick around with me!! 

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